Welcome to ICCM

This is the sixth annual International Conference on Computing and Missions, held at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana.

The ICCM '95 Pre Announcement 

ICCM Homepage

We'd like to put as much of this year's conference as possible into this page, but we need YOUR help! If you have anything to add, if you've taken any notes (especially in computer-readable form), if you'd like to see something here, please contact Jonathan Marsden.

Missions Information

Visit Richard Chowning's Africa Missions page.

Read the Post-Conclusion of Gary Corwin's talk, ``The Dangers of Digital Idolatry.''

Read Bob Hodge's keynote talk, From Data To Decisions: Supporting Strategic Planning.

A Random Collection of Interesting WWW Sites

Rich Tatum has put together an absolutely huge collection of interesting sites on the net. Click here to see it.

CrossConnect hosts home pages for several Christian organizations, including AD2000. Their server uses floor and T1 space donated by Morning Star Technologies, some of whose members spend ministry time under the guise of Morning Star Technical Services.

Running MS Windows? Here and here are a couple of lists of free Internet applications you can download.

Internet security isn't just important for Christian organizations, it's a requirement for good stewardship.

ICCM Homepage